Summer Blog Post

, July 25, 2022

Happy Anyday!

While we all had our fingers crossed for a glorious rainy day (can you believe we haven’t had a rainy day all summer?!) we can’t be too disappointed with the beautiful sunny day we were given. It cooled off considerably since yesterday, and it has been a lovely, pleasant day here at Camp Green Lane.

Last night, the Upper Cadets, Upper Debs, Seniors, and Greeks all went ice skating while the Inters, Lower Debs, and Lower Cadets were back at camp (they went ice skating late afternoon) to watch a staff volleyball game and enjoy some good ol’ America’s Funniest Home Videos on the outdoor movie screen on Senior Boy Lawn.

Today started our new daily schedule, too, which kicks off with a 9:00 breakfast (instead of the usual 8:30.) It may not sound like much of a difference, but that extra half hour goes a long way!

The Greeks went to Ocean City today for a day trip, and we are all jealous that they get to spend the day by the beach, eating Manko & Manko pizza, Johnson’s caramel popcorn, and all of the other delicacies on the boardwalk. We hope they bring back souvenirs for us (though we assume Manko and Manko’s may not travel too well on an hour and a half bus ride back home…)

There are a lot of rumblings going around about Color War…cabins are putting in their guesses about when it will break, but it’s all conjecture at this point. As the end of July draws near, you can’t help but flinch at every loud noise, hoping it may at last be the loud BOOMS that signify the beginning of the WAR…

When will it break? What will the themes be?? Who will be the 2022 Color War Captains??

Only time will tell…